The Root Release is a comprehensive healing experience intended to help heal and balance the Root chakra, which is the foundation of our human body.
The Root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is the link between the physical world and our internal energetic system. A blocked Root chakra will manifest in both emotional and physical stress, with common symptoms being digestive disorders including constipation and/or diarrhea
The Root Release healing experience combines a Holistic western approach, with ancient Ayuverdic wisdom, utilizing gravity method colon hydrotherapy, castor oil packs, Infared light therapy, vagus nerve stimulation , somatic movement, sound frequency and meditation to promote healing and harmony to the root chakra.
A balanced Root chakra is a vital source of life energy that is necessary for all the digestive and excretory functions to flow efficiently.
Colon Hydrotherapy Gravity method
The Root Release Healing Experience
(Includes Colon Hydrotherapy)
What is Colon Hydrotherapy, Gravity method ?
Is the procedure safe and sanitary?
How should I prepare for my colonic?
How will I feel after the treatment?
Is the treatment embarrassing or uncomfortable?
Do I need to see my doctor before a colonic or get a referral?
What other benefits may I expect from colon hydrotherapy?
What is the difference between a Colonic and an Enema?